IN-STAL Ltd. specializes in the professional execution of complicated projects in the field of steel construcitons. The scop of the works performed by our company and the degree of their complexity enable us to have valuable references. Many years? experience of our workers, acquired in Poland and abroad, makes our company a right business partner. Our competence are reflected in the list of the companies we co-operate with. They are mainly foreign companies, such as:
PEDAX | www.pedax.de | (Germany) |
KMW ENERGII | www.kmwenergi.se | (Sweden) |
BOSCH REXTROTH | www.boshrextroth.dk | (Denmark) |
METTALBAU NORD | www.mettalbau-nord.de | (Germany) |
LWN LUFTTECHNIK | www.lufttechnik.de | (Germany) |
The production and service company IN-STAL Sp. z o.o. possesses the certificates and rights conferred by SLV Halle which are required in the scope of the execution of steel constructions and welding works.
At the moment we are in the process of registration of other certificate and rights required at the execution of steel works. At the same time we are implementing the ISO 9002 Quality Management System which is an essential instrument of our reliability.
Our ambition is that our company is considered as a trustworthy professional maker of IN-STAL IS A RELIABLE PARTNER – VERIFIED IN OPERATION!